Scandium was one of the first elements, which Mendeleev predicted to exist, before it was discovered. It is being used for alloys and in stadium lights.
Scanda the monster looks like a troll, but despite his appearance it is very skilled with all technical stuff.
Selenium is as well essential for life as well as toxic in higher doses. Its light sensitivity makes it useful for light meters and photocopiers. There are three forms of selenium: black, grey and red.
Selenia the monster has a light side and a dark side – just like the moon. You never know which side she’s on at the moment. She likes to remain mysterious.
This metalloid is highly poisonous to almost all lifeforms, except for a few bacteria. The Poison of Kings and the King of Poisons has been known and used since ancient times, for example as a green pigment in wallpaper. Nowadays it’s found in semi-conductors and insecticides.
Arsenius the adulterator would love to be a bartender. Only his fellow monsters don’t trust his mixing skills.
Zinc was probably first discovered in China. Together with copper it forms the alloy brass, of which many vintage appliances are made (very popular in the steam punk genre). Nowadays it is found for example in batteries. It is also a nutritional element.
Zinco the monster is a kind of dragon, whom Cuperina likes to ride on through the royal garden.
Nickel is a typical coinage metal: All around the world it is used to make coins. The 5-Cent Piece is named after it. The origin of the name comes from a mischievous sprite of German mythology, Nickel. In medieval times, miners believed that the copper ore was beset by these spirits.
Nick the monster is a silent mining gnome who likes to hide. Only with his buddy Cobald he likes to go out and play pranks on others.
Iron is a true all-rounder with downright proverbial meaning (just how many figues of speech with iron are there?). In ancient history man made iron tools as well as weapons. For this reason it has been associated with Mars, the god of war. As a matter of fact, the planet Mars contains a lot of iron. This explains its reddish colour – just like our blood, which also contains iron.
Ferro is the iron knight, a lovable Macho, who sometimes overshoots the mark. Ironically he doesn’t understand irony.
Argon is a noble gas. That means, it doesn’t form any compounds with other elements. Air naturally contains about 1% of argon. A scientist once calculated, that with every breath you breathe a few argon-atoms, that any person in the world has already inhaled before – alive or dead.
Argo the monster really lives up to his name: It means inert. So he likes to float lazyly around and meditate the whole day. Every once in a while he utters some very wise words.
Chlorine is an element that is dangerous and useful at the same time. In its pure form it is poisonous and can be used as a disinfectant (for swimming pools for example) or as bleach. Only in concunction with sodium it becomes the harmless and essential table salt.
Chlorux is a lurking hunter, who silently snatches his prey like an insect. Only Natri can bring him to terms.
Sodium is quite agressive. It reacts vigorously with water. Only if bonded with chlorine it becomes the harmless table salt. Street lamps that glow yellowish-orange usually contain sodium vapor.
Natrio the monster is a kind of vegetarian predator. It can run very fast and use its trunk like a catapult.